The ICAO Post-COVID forecasts estimate a 2.4%-4.1% increase for a low to high revenue passenger-kilometres growth rate. Air traffic growth inevitably increases aviation’s combustion and acoustic emissions, hence aggravating aviation’s environmental impact locally and globally.

HOPE (Hydrogen Optimized multi-fuel Propulsion system for clean and silEnt aircraft) will deliver an integrated aircraft propulsion system comprising two multi-fuel ultra-high bypass ratio (UHBR) turbofan engines, a fuel cell based auxiliary propulsion and power unit (FC-APPU) driving an aft boundary layer ingestion (BLI) propulsor based on tube-wing aircraft configuration.

  1. minimises the combustion and noise emissions during landing and takeoff (LTO), hence the impact on air quality and noise annoyance near airports, without the trade-off of cruise emissions
  2. retrofits the existing aircraft configuration, allowing the substantial emission reduction to be achieved within a short time
  3. de-risks the use of hydrogen solely in existing tube-wing aircraft configurations
  4. smoothens aviation’s energy transition through assessment and exploitation of several greener propulsion technologies at different maturity level.

The ICAO Post-COVID forecasts estimate a 2.4%-4.1% increase for a low to high revenue passenger-kilometres growth rate. Air traffic growth inevitably increases aviation’s combustion and acoustic emissions, hence aggravating aviation’s environmental impact locally and globally.

HOPE will deliver an integrated aircraft propulsion system comprising two multi-fuel ultra-high bypass ratio (UHBR) turbofan engines, a fuel cell based auxiliary propulsion and power unit (FC-APPU) driving an aft boundary layer ingestion (BLI) propulsor based on tube-wing aircraft configuration.

  1. minimises the combustion and noise emissions during landing and takeoff (LTO), hence the impact on air quality and noise annoyance near airports, without the trade-off of cruise emissions
  2. retrofits the existing aircraft configuration, allowing the substantial emission reduction to be achieved within a short time
  3. de-risks the use of hydrogen solely in existing tube-wing aircraft configurations
  4. smoothens aviation’s energy transition through assessment and exploitation of several greener propulsion technologies at different maturity level.

LTO NOx: -50%
CO: -50%
Soot: -80%
Noise: -20%

HOPE emission goals consist of LTO NOx: -50%, CO: -50%, soot: -80%, perceived noise: -20% (~3 dB per operation), and climate impact: -30%, compared to state-of-the-art technology in 2020 (A320neo).
To this end, HOPE will:

  1. Design an integrated aircraft propulsion system accommodating multi-fuel (kerosene/sustainable aviation fuel +hydrogen) UHBR turbofan engines, FC-APPU, and an aft BLI propulsor
  2. Explore the novel idea of combining a BLI propulsor with FC-APPU for zero-emission taxiing
  3. Model, experiment, and demonstrate for the first time a low emission multi-fuel combustion technology burning H2+kerosene/SAF for future UHBR turbofan engine
  4. Assess societal impact, environmental burden, and cost benefits of the reduced noise and emissions by HOPE technology
  5. Formulate policy and recommendations to introduce HOPE technology.

Consortium and Advisory Board

HOPE has established a strong Advisory Board (AB) with stakeholders of OEMs (Airbus, Safran), airports (Rotterdam The Hague airport), regulators (EUROCONTROL), public bodies (Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment – RIVM) and airlines (KLM Royal Dutch Airlines). By closely engaging its AB members, the HOPE consortium will build on partners’ knowledge and expertise to deliver clean and silent aircraft propulsion systems in close cooperation with the Clean Aviation program to facilitate sustainable aviation.


consortium members


Stevinweg 1
2628 CN Delft – Netherlands

Delft University of Technology, also known as TU Delft, is the oldest and largest Dutch public technical university, located in Delft, Netherlands. With more than 25,000 students and 6,000 employees, it is the leading Dutch university in the field of aerospace engineering, with research experience in conceptual aircraft design, aircraft propulsion, combustion technology for aircraft engines and environmental impact of aircraft emissions.



412 96 Goteborg – Sweden

Chalmers University of Technology is a highly progressive university founded in 1829 and situated in Gothenburg, Sweden. The research group Turbomachinery and Aeroacoustics, as a part of the Fluid Dynamics division at the Mechanics and Maritime Sciences department of Chalmers, has an extensive experience in conceptual design and evaluation of new aircraft propulsion concepts in collaboration with industry, universities and research institutes within different EU and Swedish research projects.



Willy Messerschmitt Strasse 1
82024 Taufkirchen - Germany

Bauhaus Luftfahrt is the aviation think tank from Germany and an interdisciplinary research institute. As a think tank, Bauhaus Luftfahrt’s mission is the identification of long-term options for sustainable and climate-neutral air transport while also being a bridge builder between research, industry, politics and the public. Bauhaus Luftfahrt incorporates a holistic approach, combining engineering, natural sciences, social sciences and economics in order to develop new approaches for the future of aviation with a high level of technical creativity and an unparalleled overall system understanding.



Via Giuseppe Campani 50
50127 Firenze – Italy

Ergon Research was founded in 2008 and nominated spin-off of the University of Florence in 2012. It is specialized in technology transfer from the research world to the industry, working in the fields of combustion, energy, fluid dynamics, turbomachinery and thermal management. Ergon Research counts about 25 people, many of them with a PhD. The mission is to innovate products by exploiting CFD simulations, 1D tools and experimental tests. The company and its members have large experience in regional, national and European funded R&D programmes (FP7, Clean Sky 2, FF4EuroHPC and Clean Aviation).



Piazzetta Bettiol Giuseppe 15
35137 Padova – Italy

HIT09 is an Italian SME created in 2010 as a spin-off company from the University of Padova, active in the field of design optimisation, simulations and code development for aeronautic and aerospace engineering. In addition, HIT09 is dedicated to the design and analysis of small propulsors for UAVs and ultra-light aircraft. Since it was established, HIT09 has participated in a number of both public (EU) and private projects in aeronautics mainly devoted to aircraft and propulsion design optimisation and complex fluid-dynamic numerical simulations including testing in wind tunnels.



All Saints Building
M15 6BH Manchester - United Kingdom

Manchester Metropolitan University is amongst the largest campus-based universities in the UK, and the recent UK Research Excellence Framework (REF) assessment ranked 90% of MMU’s research impact as being of world-leading or internationally excellent quality. Its Ecology and Environment Research Centre (EERC) has a strong track record in modelling, measurement and fundamental research investigating many aspects of aviation including emissions calculations and modelling, alternative fuels, air quality and climate impacts.


Feel free to contact us for further information about the project